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The Basics
The Eight Essential Right Hand Licks - Beginner

There are 8 essential licks (short melodic phrases) to learn in the mastery of the Boogie Woogie Piano style. By learning these 8 licks and their variations a student can then recognize and learn by ear the majority of right hand licks that they will encounter on boogie woogie and blues recordings.
"The Lick"
Lick #6
Lick #8
Lick #7
Lick #1
Lick #2
Lick #3
Lick #4
Lick #5
These pages are in the process of being cleaned up for beginners... for now just do Part I of each Lick.
The curriculum references page numbers in our text book. Purchase is recommended but not necessary to complete the course.

Course Time: 1-3 weeks per lick
15-20 min / day
Skill Level: Beginner
Prerequisites: The Basics
Got the book? Click here.
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